#Property Management Software in South Africa

PaperTrail has recently developed an exciting new Property Management Module.

This module provides a powerful workflow solution to automate much of a previously tedious process.

The process focuses on an easy to use solution from both the prospective Tenant as well as the Property Management company.

The important aspect of the electronic signing of documents is integrated into the solution using the PaperTrail eSign solution.

The TPN functionality will soon be automated using the TPN API

Integration with MDA will soon be automated using the MDA API
This is awaiting the formal partnership of PaperTrail with MDA thereby integrating MDA and PaperTrail via the MDA API

The PaperTrail eSign solution is compliant with the relevant Acts as well as SA Law.
A separate document from Michalsons a leading SA Law Firm in regard to Electronic Signatures explaining how and why PaperTrail Electronic Signatures are compliant is available at this link.

The Property Management Module follows the following process:

Lease Agent and Tenant Process

– Lease Agent fills in the first section of the Electronic Application as the start of the Workflow process
– The Electronic Application is mailed to the prospective Tenant to complete their initial details
– The Tenant Application caters for relevant supporting documents to be uploaded with the Lease Application
All uploaded documents are available as Links to the Application and can be easily viewed at any time whilst the particular Lease Application is being viewed
– The Tenant Application is signed with the PaperTrail Electronic Signature. Authentication of the signature is provided via the email address
– The Lease Application form is automatically sent to the Lease Agent via the built-in workflow
– This is checked in terms of the correctness of Supporting docs and the TPN document is uploaded.
– Lease Agent adds the TPN Document and Approves this part of the process.
PaperTrail will soon automate the TPN process using the relevant API to allow for integration with TPN and our Property Management Module

Credit Vetting Process

– The Lease Application now moves to Credit Vetting as part of the workflow
– Once Credit Vetting Approves the Lease Application returns to the Lease Agent to upload the Proof of Payment by the Tenant
– Throughout the process emails are sent to the Tenant for their required actions, for example making the Proof of Payment

Lease Generation Process

One of the most significant aspects of the Property Management Module is the complete auto-generation of the Lease Agreement.
The auto-generation occurs in the form of pre-populated data from the Lease Application and workflow input that has been completed prior to the Lease being created.
Should last minute changes need to be made, these can readily be done by the Lease Manager prior to the Lease Agreement being mailed to the prospective Tenant.

This in itself saves an enormous amount of time together with the advantage of correct data being presented within the Lease Agreement.

Once the Lease Agreement is signed by the Prospective Tenant, this automatically returns to the relevant Lease Manager for their signature.

All documents in the process are stored in their correct folders together with the form field data being available for efficient searching and reporting.

Database Lookups

Throughout the process database lookups form an important part of the solution in terms of the correct data being instantly available.

For example all property building data is stored and used when required.
In the same manner banking details are stored and automatically served up to the relevant User when required. For example the payment details for each property are automatically mailed to the respective Tenant when payment is required.

As mentioned earlier Phase 2 includes the automation of TPN and MDA data to be available as required using the respective API’s.

Together with the industry compliant PaperTrail Electronic Signatures, the entire process remains electronic without the need to manage paper.

Integration to third party systems like TPN and MDA cater for a fully-fledged solution without any of the inherent inefficiencies within a paper based system.

Dashboards can easily be introduced into the solution reporting on any data that is stored within the SQL database.

Throughout the process PaperTrail displays an Audit / History of every action that has taken place on the Tenant Lease Application, Credit Vetting  and Lease Agreement processes.

The Workflow graphical interface shows the current stage within the Lease Workflow.

This allows Management an easy view of the stage of any Lease Application or Lease Agreement whilst in the Workflow process.
Coupled to the Audit /History and detailed Summary info, any information for any Lease is instantly available and easily located on one single screen.

The Property Management Module provides a comprehensive workflow solution to automate the entire Property Management Lease process.

This allows for a streamlined solution with enormous savings in both time and efficiencies.

Written by: Wayne Kirschner 

Losing data because of poor filing?

You need a system that keeps every document in its place.
PaperTrail is a powerful electronic document management system that
supports and organises your critical business processes.

Any Document Type


Storage and Manage


Powerful Enterprise Content Management

Spend less time managing paper and more time managing processes.
Automate business operations ensuring compliance and increase efficiency
Customisable workflows and powerful form capability
Allocate incoming correspondence to initiate business procedure
Collect critical data for customised reports and intelligent searching
Easily manage permission structures allowing limited access to sensitive information
IOS and Android compatibility
Electronically sign and send documents
Signature compliance in terms of both ECT Act and POPI
Tight integration to MS Office and Outlook
Customised third party system integration

Go paperless. Make the switch today.

Where to find us

Johannesburg Office

138 Athol Street,
Highlands North,
Tel: 011 880 4411

Cape Town Office

Unit 5,
10 Park Lane, Grosvenor Square,
Century City, Cape Town
Tel: 021 913 1221

Durban Office

59 Aberdare drive, Industrial Park, Phoenix, Durban, 4051
Tel: 031 508 1520

Ghana Office

Empower Suites, 8th Floor, Block A, The Octagon, Barnes Road, Central Accra, Ghana
Tel: +233 261 878 023

New Zealand Office

23 Piwakawaka Court, Rototuna, Hamilton, New Zealand 3210
Tel: +64 (0)21 646 767 OR
+64 (0) 2239 27507


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